Sunday, September 9

The day of rest.

Today was the Sabbath...the day one is to rest from his labors and enjoy the Word of God, fellowship with His body, the church, and worship Him...
I had an idea that perhaps I'd like to finish the 'yard' and the mowing in the afternoon, but when the temp is 85 at 10 a.m., and I sensed the Holy Spirit speaking so softly to me that I needed to focus my heart on Him and enjoy the day, then the yard was not an issue. Grass will always be there! It was a wonderful day and the only regret is that we can't seem to do it every day!
Good nite.
I want to upload pix from the day, but it's taking too long, so tomorrow, when my eyes aren't burning, I'll try again!


Anonymous said...

We ares so blessed to have an awsome God to pray to and just be totally focused when the Holy Spirit directs our prayers. Diane's Dad is recovering greatly due to the answered prayers from so many. We thank all who took the time for prayer. GOD DID COME THROUGH AS USUAL.

Don & Diane

Daune (pronounced Dawn) said...

Praise HIm for His faithfulness to us. How He loves Leo! I pray he sees it and hungers for Him.