Tuesday, September 18

It's Tuesday and the week is getting underway. We finished our 'table-time' segment of the day earlier than usual because I had an appointment and then we had time to hang out at the library and get all kinds of books...I found "Beowulf, A New Telling" by Robert Nye and it looks like something the boys will like.
Tonite Jef discovered he can work from home on the computer, good for him, not so good for me~! But having him home to discuss things like history, science, subjects he's well informed about, will be wonderful...I knew it was coming, but I didn't think it would be this soon. Yippee!!!
While Jef worked on the computer, I sat and caught up on a Bible study I'm doing, "The Power of a Praying Wife" and the boys built a new creation with Legos.
They got their Lego magazine in the mail and it was like Christmas (Isaac has been reminding me that 'it should be coming soon, mom!').
Here is a pix of Caleb's new 'guy'...as well as Josh crashing on the floor in the dining room after a productive day at work.
He was so generous to bring pizza home tonite. I could kiss him when he does that. He's a very thoughtful son. Someday, some fortunate woman is going to be so blessed by his kind and giving heart. I look forward to welcoming her into our family as much as I am looking forward to meeting Jackie! But I hope I don't have to wait too long!
Sleep well!


Anonymous said...

I read the "Power of a Praying Wife" a few years ago and it was monumental in my life. It was a spring board for me and my prayer life.

My 6 yr old son loves to build with legos. As a matter of fact he has already asked if we can take him to the Lego store for his birthday this year.

I enjoyed finding your blog tonight.


Daune (pronounced Dawn) said...

Legos are like air in our house...we might all pass away if some people in this home don't get their daily dose!;)
I read your blog and felt like we'd been friends somewhere, sometime...we have ver similar likes! Isn't our God wonderful??? This is definitely an adventure we're on I'm learning to just hang on~!
God bless your day.