Thursday, October 18

Thankful Thursday~

Thankful Thursday has rolled around again.
I am thankful for the excitement of our children as they come up with ideas of things to do with cardboard while I sit here and work on renting our house in NY. They created an amazing 'guy' house that has a staircase, windows (using seran wrap), a garage, and a divider between the rooms!
Then they were off to paint. I caught them, tho, before they painted themselves...for some reason, this holds a peculiar fascination with them, particularly Isaac.
When we read the Proverb this morning, it spoke of a friend sticking closer than a brother...I asked them if they, as twins, could imagine anyone being closer to them than each other. They do EVERYTHING together and I mean every single thing. 24/7. It's just about impossible to imagine being closer than they are. Yet, our Heavenly Father is closer to us than that. Wow. For that, I am thankful.
What are you thankful for today?
OH, I am also thankful that my mom is home from having a Biopsy yesterday and I am expecting the results to be fine!
One more thing. It looks like we'll be renting the apartments in our house and for that I am most thankful.
Glory to our God for His faithfulness to His kids.

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