Tuesday, November 13

My Girls!!!

How time flies when you're living it.
I've so missed writing and keeping everyone current, but there's been little to no time available to sit down and jot my thoughts, struggles, challenges, etc.

On Sat., Rachael and Hailey left to go back home and Josh moved out the same nite. As you can imagine, I was an emotional mess. I couldn't stop weeping. Then Sunday I lost it again at church on our pastor's wife shoulder for a while. She said she believed that I needed to know that this was the will of the Lord for me and that I needed to rejoice that I'd done my job well. That helped tremendously.
The funny thing is that it's not that I didn't want Josh to move out, because I did. I knew he wanted to be on his own and needed to be. It was that it all happened in one day.
I'm better now and when I woke up Monday morning, I'd began the cycle which explained a lot!
It's been a whirlwind week that is the beginning of something new, but I'm not sure what.
I'm hoping my parents will come for a visit and we can enjoy them a while...we'll see what God has in store for all of us.
Little by little I'll stop back to drop lines here and there.

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