Thursday, January 10

~Thankful Thursday or Just Another One of Those Days~

Well, after sleeping thirteen hours as a result of taking Night Time cold medicine from H E B, I actually feel like a living, breathing human today!
My dear love brought a bottle home for me after work and then he and the boys headed out for our cell group and I thought I'd rest in bed and read the Word as well as my digital camera book! Well, that lasted maybe ten minutes and I was out for the night. Can't remember the last time I slept that long...I feel so much better today.
That's just one thing I'm thankful for. The list goes on...
Ray Comfort's blog entry about dinner with 40 atheists and the encouragement that he continues to give by his example.
My granddaughter, Hailey, and the joy she brings me when I hear stories of all she's doing. Ann @ Holy Experience encouraging moms on what's really important! (It's so awesome!).
Two wonderful boys that can fly through the air, dream and be in far, far away worlds imagining themselves saving our planet, helping good Bionicles, making houses from boxes, and living Life through their imaginations...I love it!
Another thing is having a husband that daily feeds me and the boys the Word, diligently studies to show himself approved, and delights in being with me! Wouldn't you agree that having your husband delight in you is the best!
If that's not the case with you right now, perhaps it's a time to seek the Father about what He wants you to do to be his (little h) delight...maybe it's making Him (Big H) your delight and then listen when He tells you to give selflessly to your man when it would be easier to be selfish, or when you're too tired :) ...just a suggestion. I know for me, that there is one thing that causes my husband to believe he can take on the's when he is fulfilled...the world is lighter, creativity flows freely and I know I'm honoring my Father!
Let's get real, girls...this is one weapon in our arsenal that we sometimes fail to use to fight the enemy...let's not be like Eve that wandered away and listened to the father of lies, but one that purposefully fights for our husband, children and family...I have no idea why I went this direction, but I'm sure someone out there is reading and you've been selfish, self-centered and are wondering where God is and why there is no power in your life...submission is powerful...Jesus taught us all about it and 1 Peter teaches us, ch. 3. There are no conditions on submission, either, there in that's a promise and His Word is a Rock...cannot be moved; He doesn't lie and His Word stands forever...when are we gonna get that?
Well, guess I've gotten all that out!
Be thankful, content, and grateful (these things lead to a thankful heart)...greed, among other things, will bring the wrath of God. Colossians 3:5-11 is written to believers, not unbelievers.
The way that leads to Life is narrow. Ouch, Hallelujah! (A favorite saying in our body lately!)

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