Monday, September 24

I found an Acorn under the tree.

That's an awesome title for a book, I think. Isn't that a cool picture? I took it and it looks much better when it's bigger, but uploading with dial up service makes things fail a lot! I actually did find a teeny tiny acorn...they're my favorite things to collect in the fall..atleast they were when we were in Buffalo, NY. But down here in hot Texas, the oaks on our property don't seem to grow acorns...but we had tons of rain and I think that's what did it...I'm tickled.
Midday thoughts...You know Mondays can transition better, I think, if you do something a little different. I took the opportunity this morning to mow our wonderful 'yard' since the temp. was much cooler and the humidity was low. The boys began to clean the pool we got and that was great until it turned into a water war and they forgot what they were supposed to be doing.

When I woke this morning, I kept thinking about yesterday's message: Living in the realm of the Tree of Life, as opposed to the Tree of the knowledge of Good and, I pondered how to apply this to our day.

I believe a key is to listen when opportunities present themselves with frustration, anger, and good behaviour vs. bad behaviour-(Particularly with those closest to us, and in particular, if we are home educating our children or just training them in the ways of God)...

Then comes the question, "Father, how can Your power flow through me RIGHT NOW rather than looking at what I see and reacting in the flesh?" Then comes the stillness and listening...if this becomes a practice over time, I believe that the lifestyle we'll live is one of being light and's definitely the reflect our King...Jesus was patient, kind, interested, forgiving, all the things He expects of us...that can only be done by coming to Him consistently and acknowledging our need for Him and taking seriously His Word...(Perhaps I'm going off on a tangent, now, so I'll just end here! :)) Another time, another sermon.

The point is living in grace (the power of God to change a heart), not law anymore cuz Jesus set us free from the law of do's and don't' when I'm training my boys in the why's of doing the right things, it's because of their love and respect, honor and healthy fear of the Lord that they should obey me.

I decided that it was time to wrap up the outdoor activity and bring them in to work on all our hearts!

It's been a long day and challenging at times, but my heart is to practice what I preach.

Therefore, I'm going to just sit and listen about how to respond to one of my children that is a sizzler...if you're unsure what that is, here's a website that will help...I think I have two sizzlers and once I discovered that they're little sizzlers, it relieved much stress about them...

Enjoy your day. We're going to go hear a brother from our church that's a comedian tonite...God has opened the door for him to be light and salt and share Life through comedy...

Just a couple of places to learn about him...
This has definitely been a day of musings. I apologize if it's too much work to try and get in my head with me...I have enough difficulty doing it and finding order, so I don't blame you if you finish reading and say, 'what the heck was she trying to say!!!'
See ya *smile*

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