Saturday, September 29

To God be the Glory!

Beautiful day...God is on His throne and answers prayers faster than we pray them...due to sensitive matters, I'm not at liberty to share right now, but suffice to say that the answer came, the power of God changed a situation that was potentially dangerous, and to God Be the Glory, great things He has done...

We are so looking forward to being with the brothers and sisters tomorrow and worshipping our God together with them and hearing the Word of the Lord.

This is a toad that was in the pool that we began to clean but discovered a hole (in the pool, not the toad!) that was significant...disappointment. But I found another one on Craigslist that we'll see if we get tomorrow...if not, then we'll figure out how to fix this one...

I have earthshaking news...our daughter and granddaughter are coming to visit and they are coming when our son and his fiance' and their friend are coming and they're all arriving on the same day (not at the same time)!!! What are the chances of that happening? God is moving, ordering our steps and orchestrating a beautiful heart is ready to leap from my chest...pray we find a couch, a bed, something to lay them all on. It'll be the best early Thanksgiving we've ever had!!! I can't thank our God with words...there are none to describe how excited and thrilled we all are!
Good nite for now.

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