Sunday, November 25

Bedtime Meal...Christmas Is Coming!

I thought I'd catch my dear husband doing what he so faithfully does every nite...reading the boys the Word before they fall off to sleep. He's going through the Old Testament and the New and now they're on Ezra and Luke makes my heart feel safe when he does this.
Well, now we head toward the celebration of our Savior's birth. I am planning on being prepared in my heart and working with the boys by being ready to focus on what really matters. This is a challenge because their expectations aren't always in line with ours! But this is our job as parents, right...? Directing our little ones to His stable.

The world's lies scream out to be heard that "presents are what it's all about or 'stuff' and the little baby is just that...leave Him in the manger and move on..."

Not in our home.
Wisdom cries out, too:
"Wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
She offers you long life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left.
She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying.
Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly."
That's Proverbs 3:14-18
I want to be focused on the path of peace, joy and true celebration. We all have that choice. Set your heart on the path of peace, too.
Good nite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post.