Wednesday, November 21

Give Thanks Today and Every day!

I wish all my loved ones and friends near and far a wonderfully blessed, warm, delicious, and safe Thanksgiving day tomorrow.

I have so much to be thankful for.

Just to name a few...:

The cross that my Saviour hung on for me before I even knew Him.

The gift of eternal Life that began the moment Jesus forgave me of all of my sins and made me a fellow heir with Him.

For Jef, my best friend on the planet. There aren't enough words to describe how thankful I am for you.

The twenty five years of adventure that you promised and have kept~!

Five amazing children that daily bring me joy and the greatest sense of fulfillment as a mother. Thank you, children, for giving me just an inkling into the kind of love that God has for me. I really cannot fathom that kind of love.

Parents, in-laws, too, and siblings that have stood the test of time and stayed together in their marriages, for better or for worse. That is an example to future generations of what commitment is all about. I love you all.

The church, and Ekklesia San Antonio, in particular. We are becoming His bride, without spot, wrinkle or blemish.

I am most grateful and thankful to be a part of His body, following Him with a group of believers that believe.

I am most thankful for my pastor, Todd Cawthon and his treasures, his wife, Josie, and their seven children. You have set the pace by putting your hand to the plow and not looking back.

Josie, you have been the example to me of a godly wife; one who loves, serves, submits, and believes, no matter what.

I am most thankful for the people God has put in my life that love me just the way I am, but don't allow me to stay that way! They challenge me, correct me, love me, forgive me, and stand with me through all the junk that's making me more like Jesus. Thank you.

There is so much more to be thankful for...

My darling granddaughter.

I could never thank Him enough for you, Hailey Daune Ritenburg.

YOU are the delight of my soul.

I am most thankful for the privilege to have lived in the country and enjoyed the quiet, the beauty, the space, and nature all around me.

I would say that this year has been one of the most refining years of my life in a long time and I have begun to truly understand and experience joy.

Only when one goes through trials, sufferings and learns to rejoice, does one really experience joy.

Thank you, Jesus, for teaching me what joy is. It has been my strength and I am stronger than I've ever been. But it is Your strength, not my own. Thank you again and again.

I am also thankful for all past Thanksgivings and all the memories that are forever with me.

Be thankful to Him...

Remember that giving thanks has to be to somebody.

By being thankful, He will take the sour out of our lives and make all things a sweet fragrance~

1 comment:

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Just dropping by to say that the final 30 Days of Thanksgiving wrap-up has been posted if you are interested: