Friday, November 30

~A Glorious Friday~

My dear Jef is going to be on television...on "Friday Night Lights" or something like that...not sure of the name of the show, but it's on NBC on Friday nights!!! He's He's an extra playing the opposing coach. Cool, huh? He had to go to Austin to do it, but it was worth it for him...I'm so excited for him. I'm not sure when it airs, but I will post, for sure! It's been long in comin'! He's getting his feet wet, as well as rubbing shoulders with those in the industry...our God is faithful and I'm so grateful to be His daughter, and Jef's wife.
I get so much done when he works late, too! I cleaned out the garage and what a mess that had never been cleaned from when we moved in and I just never seem to get around to doing it and for some reason, I just was motivated to, so now I'm thrilled that it looks so good! I also wanted to surprise my love.
He's not home yet and I can't wait any longer to post another pix, so goodnite till tomorrow.

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