Thursday, December 20

Five More Days!

Well, I have some awesome news...during our Wed. nite service, Pastor Todd was speaking of the sin in our lives and if anyone wanted to get rid of it, to come forward and Caleb got up and walked to the front and repented.

Later he confessed that he only wanted to be baptized (that was back a couple of years ago) because he saw someone a little older him at the time that had gotten baptized and so he wanted to. (I think the whole baptism scenario came out because he believed that that was when he gave his life to Jesus, but then he kept doing the wrong things with no remorse.)
When we got to church he made a decision he told us later on that in his mind he thought that just because he didn't feel like worshipping that he had no right not to because God liked it and God was worthy of him singing to Him with his whole heart.
I had looked over at him and he was really singing and clapping and I think I just hugged him and he leaned over and said, "I am so excited!" I had no idea why until he told us about his decision.
It all happened so fast and I wasn't even in the room when it happened, but someone came and got me so I could snap the pix. I am still in awe and gratitude.
I credit the Power of the Word of God to convict even a child's heart of their need for a Savior.
This truly is the best Christmas ever...I need no gifts. Jesus has given me, as a mother, the best gift of seeing our son give his heart to the Lord of Life!

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