Sunday, February 3

~The Current Is Moving~

Danielle has gone home.
This past week has been life-changing...several different areas of our life were affected this week. Danielle was one of them. Our house still not closing is another one-but the devil is a liar and our home will close by the end of this week!
Recognizing another area of my heart that needed a breakthrough was one more thing. The fight for our health was another one.
We all were hit with a virus and the baby had to leave on Wed. morning for her health...I missed her horribly. She did great at our pastor's home and the love of this body for each other is astounding.
Yes, we are moving this month. One more step in the direction of following our Savior to our destiny. I believe this is the final step. I've kicked and fought it for too long to stay here and the ramifications have been painful...God has forgiven me. His mercy endures forever.
This has also been a week of once again coming to grips with the cost of following Jesus and believing that He is MY Savior, not just Jef's and that Jef isn't my provider-Jesus is. If Jef, God forbid, should leave this earth and go on before me, Jesus would still provide for me. It's past time that I trust Him for me, and not depend on Jef to be my source...I have to believe in Jesus for me. Perhaps I'm not really articulating this properly, but that's ok, cuz as long as I 'get it' and begin to walk in relationship with Jesus the proper way, my family, and in particular, Jef, will be forever changed for the better.
I have a responsibility to feed my dear husband put courage into him...But that's not possible if I'm looking to Jef to meet the needs in me that only Jesus can meet. I made him an idol in my life because I tried to get him to be and do for me when he can't...ouch!
I am Jef's helpmeet. I see now that I've been given such a gift to be an encourager to the one person who I was given to so that he can fulfill his God-given vision on this earth. Putting courage into someone else isn't possible if all you ever do is focus on what they're not doing, complain where they come up short, how "I would do it, if it was me", etc...get the picture? This is what I've been doing...and I've worked the 'system' in a way that has been destructive to our future. No more.
The Word is the way to change the thoughts, words, attitudes and behaviors that have hindered me. I have found much comfort in knowing that God keeps track of all my tears! Nothing is hidden from His sight and He has comforted me and led me forward on a firm foundation, His truth.
This I know: God is on my side! Wow...God is on my side~! Saying that out loud and hearing myself say that encourages me to believe, trust, speak it to Jef and walk in more freedom. I am seated in the heavenlies with Jesus and He is faithful. Psalm 56:1-13 (NLT)
"O God, have mercy on me.
The enemy troops press in on me.
My foes attack me all day long.
My slanderers hound me constantly, and many are boldly attacking me.
But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
O God, I praise your word.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?
They are always twisting what I say; they spend their days plotting ways to harm me. They come together to spy on me— watching my every step, eager to kill me.
Don't let them get away with their wickedness;
in your anger, O God, throw them to the ground.
You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.
On the very day I call to you for help, my enemies will retreat.
This I know: God is on my side.
O God, I praise your word. Yes, Lord, I praise your word.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help.
For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping.
So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daune! I love you and I'm so glad that I get to hang out with you, jef, caleb and isaac (and the rest of the crew)on Tuesday. I've missed our dinners! I had to get a new cell phone but praise God! they replaced my old one and only charged me $50. so - i don't have your number anymore but you should call me so i can have that :)