Saturday, October 6

Bye Bye Lucy...

This was much harder than I thought it would be. Thought I'd just drop the dog off and leave and feel this sense of relief...nope. I felt remorse that we didn't do all we could to train her, despite the fact that I'm not a sheep herder, have no sheep or cattle, and the rooster and hens don't need to be herded cuz they follow the boys wherever! Caleb and I walked back to the kennels with this kind woman who carried Lucy in her arms and then when we got close to all the dogs and they started barking, she got loose and ran toward the road...I just prayed and miraculously, she came back to the woman...that was so God! She picked her up again and we all walked back once again and the lady put Lucy in with a calm female of some kind and Lucy was was horrible. But in a matter of seconds, she was fine. She'll now have someone to wrestle with and play. I kind of held back the tears all the way to the car and Caleb was so surprised that I cried...he said he felt good for Lucy to be getting a better home with some family that she can be used to herd.
So, we spotted a yard sale on the way back and I bought myself two purses and him a helmet...Lucy ate the other one...It's better now, but the pain of leaving her is still in my mind.
Her being gone is beneficial for all our stuff outside...I can actually plant my flowers without fear that she's going to pull them out of the ground and chew them! ...and writing is therapy and letting go and forgiveness for not being the best pet owner.
I detached my heart from hers when she chewed and broke several of my things and the last thing she did was to get out of her crate, large as it is, and break through the screen in the family/school room and eat the blind and tear the screen apart...I think she got scared from not being in her crate at night and wanted in really bad...we've been hearing coyotes at night again...they have the eeriest cry...we had no idea she got out until we saw the damage she'd done.
Well, anyways, that's all for now. Jef and the boys have been building a Lego city for a while now and this morning they went to their Home Depot class and the boys made a fire engine that can hold pencils or crayons...practical. I like that. They've pretty much hung out all day's so cool when they do that.
I got to work outside cleaning, rearranging, poisoning red ants, potting a poinsetta Josh asked me to repot, pulling weeds, moving furniture around outside and mentally preparing for all my children to be here and where to put everyone...
Till I need to write again...daune

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